Adaptable Smart technology for Professionals,
providing assessment of strength in a simple and fast way.

Strength Evaluation in different directions

Maximum strength and pulling over time, both in traction and compression

An accessory for each of your needs

Accessories allow the assessment of different muscular groups in multiple applications

Lighter and smaller than other existing solutions

Easily handled and safer for fragile people, making the assessment more reliable

Discover our integrated hardware and software solution, as well as the services we provide, within the scope of multiple health applications.

Easy assessment by any professional

Using our mobile APPs, it is
simple to evaluate and monitor
sarcopenia and frailty

Safe cloud-based data storage & analytics

A GDPR compliant environment
to store and process your sensitive

Directed nutrition and physical activity support

Personalized advice, follow-up
programs, nutrition and trainning

Hand grip strength assessment is considered to be a very useful biomarker of musculoskeletal function, weakness and disability, as well as health status.

What is Frailty?

More than 50% of the European population aged over 50 are pre-frail or frail.

Frailty is a clinical syndrome characterized by marked vulnerability due to declining physical and intrinsic capacity and loss of function in multiple physiological systems.

What is Sarcopenia?

More than 73% of the European population aged over 80 areaffected by Sarcopenia.

Sarcopenia is a syndrome characterized by progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength and it is strictly correlated with physical disability, poor quality of life and death.

Did you know that Frailty is increasing dramatically worldwide, causing impaired mobility, falls, hospitalizations, and mortality?

Choose your plan

Purchase Gripwise


Gripwise Kit

Includes a suitecase with a dynamometer, a 15 feet (4.572 m) strap, USB cable to charge the device and free iOS/Android APP

FREE Software

Access to web APP and iOS/Android applications

* TVA can be applicable.

Annual Renting


Gripwise Kit

Includes dynamometer, 15 feet strap and charging USB cable.
Replacement of damaged equipment** and annual calibration.

FREE Software

Access to web APP and iOS/Android applications

* TVA can be applicable.
** For failures related to the wear and tear of the equipment.
Biannual Renting


Gripwise Kit

Includes dynamometer, 15 feet strap and charging USB cable.
Replacement of damaged equipment** and annual calibration.

FREE Software

Access to web APP and iOS/Android applications

* TVA can be applicable.
** For failures related to the wear and tear of the equipment.
SOFTWARE FEATURES (Android/iOS App & Web App)
Sarcopenia (EWGSOP2) and Frailty (Fried Phenotype) assessment
Patients, Professionals and Entity management
Generation and share of reports
Protection of client confidentiality and data in accordance with the RGPD
Data export
Strength profile graph
Personalized customer support
Dashboard to monitor patients clinical status
Back-up and recovery data
Data access on any device (via mobile data)
Possibility of interoperability with ICT systems

Have you heard of exergames?

Exergames require the application of full body movement to participate in virtual sports, group exercises, or other interactive physical activities.

Living in the Countryside

Game design adjusted to the
physical condition of users.

Each task is calibrated using the
maximum strength of the user
at that moment the game receives

feedback on the effort required

to complete each task.

The data collected by users’ mobile
devices can be consulted remotely
by health professionals


Contact Us

Rua Brito Capelo, 585, 1 4450-075 Matosinhos, Portugal

+351 229966213

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URS Portugal

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